The Daily Take

The Daily Take

What Did I Learn? 

The Day Has Past

Little Things First

The Last The Mast

Standing Tall

Lesson Learned

Free To Admire

We Move On

The Next On Plate

The Schedule Shifts

Work To Play

Our Nighttime Ifs

Obligations Attention

The Role Discovered

Parent or Not

We Become Another

The Silent Moment

Occurs In Passing

We Pray For Safety

As Storm Smashes

Whirling Roar

Distant And Near

A Day To Know

The World To Fear

Death Follows

We Need To Search

A Great Escape

At All Cost First

Finding Him

Eternal Life

Brings Peace

Finally In Sight

The Only Objective

Within Our Goals

Is Determine Truth

Did God Show?

Did He Die

So I Could Live

Despite Everything

I Ever Did

Mercy, Mercy

Love The Answer

Motives Divine

Faith Our Dancer

Joy and Love

Found Amid

Calamity and Chaos

The Cross Bridged

rKw Jr 25.02.22

Robert William Kelly American Poet b 1965 – born again 1993

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