The Curse Of The Triumphant

The Curse Of The Triumphant
Triumphal Arch of the Star at Night. It is one of the most famous monuments in Paris.

Forced Errors

The Church Today

Lost, Lonely

Feeling Dismayed

Pastors Lament

They Sigh At Laity

Never Good Enough

For God’s Charity

The Church Bought Off

The Falling Debris

Distorts Our Sanity

Destroying Country

Yet God Is Sovereign

His Timing Perfect

Revival Possible

If God Prefers

A Swell Of Urgency

The Need Overrides

God’s Will Done

All In His Time

Focus For Church

Should Be Salty

Instead Of Accusing

Before God Almighty

Taking Aim

At Brethren Each Week

Instead Of Teaching

Equipping The Meek

Marshal Up

Emphasize Righteousness

Do Not Quell

The Spirit’s Brightness

Solidify The Identity

Assure The Believer

He Is Forever

A True Golden Retriever

Saved By God

His Forever

Streets Of Gold

Address Heaven

The Hound Of Heaven

Not Chasing His Tail

Loving Unconditionally

How Satan Has Failed

rKw Jr 30.03.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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