The Cure For Condemnation

The Cure For Condemnation

Blessings Counted

Sentimentally Low

We Need To Remember

Life Is A Gifted Bow

We Are The Crown

Of God’s Creation

Yet Get Caught Up

In Wasted Conversation

Self Condemnation

Can Certainly Occur

Comparing Self

To What Is Sure

But Is It Sure ?

What Appears To Be

Life Can Be Tricky

Lost Sentimentality

The Journey Long

We Can Look Back

See Illegitimacy

Cause And Attack

Condemnation Stabs

Reversing The Mind

Twisting The Hope 

You Had Inside

Groups Of Yore

They Left You So

Never Contact Again

You Were A No Go

Move Through Life

We Amazingly Survive

Building New Homes

Amid The Compromise

Life Continues

We Hem In Sails

See Weather Storm

Endure We Can

The Human Condition

Can Take Much Pain

Absorbed Entirely

Standing Once Again

One Poisoned Apple

Is The Hardest Test

Best To Adopt 

God’s Words The Best

Be Brave And Courageous !

Wonderfully Fearfully Made !

More Than Conquerors –

No Condemnation Today ~

Giving Us A Spirit Not

Of Fear – Nor Begrudgement

But Of Power, Love

And Sound Judgement

Remember Your Creator

As Satan Condemns

You Will Fight With Him

Winning Now And At

The End

rKw Jr 21.07.21

Robert Kelly Born b 1965

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