The Critical Race Theory Ruse

The Critical Race Theory Ruse
Photo by Maksim Romashkin


A Day Another

What Can Be?

We Druther

Nothing Special

Our Minds Say

Just Wake Up

Play And Pay

The Mind Rests

The Thoughts Guess

What To Do

When Hell Tests

I’m Not Good Enough

So Don’t Go There

I’ll Just Wait

Devil May Care

Eat, Drink, Be Merry

The Solace Of Lore

Yet Ironically

A Biblical Score

Apostle Paul

1 Corinthian 15

Discussing Resurrection

Might As Well Be

Isaiah 22

Commented As Well

For Tomorrow We Die

Drink Then Hell

Ecclesiastes 8

Vanity, Vanity

Life Ain’t Great

Drink To Insanity

Luke 12 Once More

The Bible Shows

Eat, Drink And Be Merry

Eternal Life – Forgo

A Day Is Present

Made For A Reason

Salvation Opportunity

The Nod Of The Season

Just Say Yes Now

Believe The Son

His Sacrifice Critical

The Race He Won

Critical Race Theory

Is Solved Long Ago

Yet The Real Truth –

It’s For Another Show

To Destroy America

By Pretending To Care

About Minority Oppression

Alinsky And Gramschi’s Dare

Pit People Against People

To Cause Division

Rub It RawTo Utopia

Maxim – Axiom – Marxism

Give It All Up

Destroy Everything

Take Down The Country

Anyway The Sting

Target All Thought Leaders

Gramschi The Soft Peddle

Violence Not Needed

Build Sentiment In Swells

Intersectionality Attacks

They Cast Their Lots

They Think It’s Great

Silence Critical Thoughts

Community Leaders Devised

Trained as Dividers

Pitting Groups Averse

Hatred Stirred From The Liars

Saul Alinsky Footprint

Blue Obama and Clinton Love

Satan The Book Dedication

Losers Bound For Hell

Critical Race Theory

A Post For Oppression

Used By Oppressors

To Gain Regression

No Room For Criticism

How Critical A Game

Emphasis Dual

What’s In A Name?

Is It Critical

To Know You Are Blessed?

Yet I Would Say

Tell Satan The Rest

Satan Hates Dissent

Any Criticism

Control the Minds

Destroy The Organism

Yet Today 

We Can Unveil 

See What’s Behind

Critical Race Scares

It’s Satan 

He Says There Is No Hope

You Must Follow

Revolutionize Or Grope

But God Says Right Now

We Can Be Free

He Doomed Satan

Right There On A Tree

Oppressed No More

Don’t Fall For A Pest

Intersectional Cause

The Race Issue Conquest

There Is No Race

We Are All From One

No Greek, Nor Jew

Heaven’s Door Flung

So Why Do Churches

Fall So Quick and Easy

For Satan’s Trap

The Empty Philosophy?

America Cannot Be

Divided By Class

We Have Hope Here

Everyone Has A Chance!

So The Race Card Baited

The Hook Entices

Fear of Looking Bad

Man’s Best Device

So It’s Regression

The Oppression

In The Name of Progression

Against God’s Succession

Out Of Pride We Surrender

To False Accusations

Never Seeing Through

To The Wicked Deliberation

rKw Jr 12.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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