The Creative Essence

The Creative Essence

Jesus The Creator

All Done By Him

The Creation Blind

Unrecognizing Gems

The Creation Cool

The Sun Amazes

The Life Teeming

Earth’s Equation

The Perfect Order

The Stars Aligned

A Place In Heaven

The Design Sublime

God Above

Shows His Hand

The Glory His

Worship The Man

God The Man

The Son Of 

Jesus The One

Eternal Love

Forever Existing

The Great I Am

Love Unabated

Nails In Hand

The Love Demonstrated

The Painful Expense

Of Shame – Of Blood

To No End He Went

He Covered Us

With His Righteousness

Spun Around

Offers It No Less

We Are Now Righteous

Yet Still Spotted

We Live Forever

Of His Calling

A Moment of Faith

The Only Requirement

Born Again Spirit

Enjoy Your Retirement

rKw Jr 09.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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