The Convergence

The Convergence


The Problems


The So Long

Something Must Give

Handouts Dwindle

Political Promises

Home With Roosters

The Truth Hurts

The World Fallen

All Cannot Solve

Idealism Calling

Agendas Compete

The Future Shock

Techno Gaunt

Back To the Rock

The Rock Of Tech

We Can Afford

Yet Yields A Net

Scarcity And Discord

The Rock Of God

The Ages To Come

Solves Our Want

Returns A Plumb

We Live Forever

Learning the Lessons

The World Recourse

Just Window Dressing

We Need A Renewal

The Earth Reserved

For Fire All Gone

The Soul Preserved

Found In Him

Belief So Easy

But Blinded So

We Miss The Treaty

A Deal With God

The Great Exchange

Our Sin For His Pain

Redemption The Way

Streets Of Gold

Mansions A Plenty

A Body Like His

Ruling And Reigning

The Ages To Come

Will See God’s Mercy

See His Love

On Our Mere Existing

rKw Jr 08.12.21

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

Jesus Is The Door To Heaven, No Cover Charge

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