The Circle Broken

The Circle Broken

The Scoffer


Sounds Too Good


The Mind Rolls

Bounces off The Rail

Never Seeing Anything

Divine Anywhere

Yet No Excuse Will Tell

The Obvious Stated

Everything, Everywhere

By Him So Created

Circular Reasoning

The Bible Rejected

The Mind Exalted

The Soul Infected

Poisoned By The Curse

Never Once Acknowledging

God’s Hand Extending

Divinely Encouraging

The Bible Pre-slandered

The Gospel Distorted

The Word Manhandled

Changed or Even Worse

Taught Just Wrongly

Changing The Freeness

Creating A Job

Instead of Gleefulness

Joy and Giddiness

Excited To Stand

Buffeted By Love

Eternally Forgiven

The Objective Benchmark

Proves Divinity

Creates A Worshipful –

Thankful Affinity

The Bible Proven

Accidently I’m Guessing

Alexander The Great

May be In Heaven

He Translated The Septuagint

Long Before Christ

Yet Showing He Hailed

Four Places – Plain Sight

Galilee – Isaiah

Nazarene Too

Egypt – Hosea

Bethehem – For You

Trusting The Bible

Today Is Hard

The Obstacle Two-fold

The Peace Far

The Bridge Open

The Mind Closed

An Instant Crossing

We Just Don’t Go

Fear of What

The Preacher’s Mistaken

Changing The Gospel

Into A Lie Verbatim

Free To All

Should Be Announced

Declared Good News

What Jesus Brought

Justification By Assent

Born Again Point

Why Do We Fumble

The Baby At This Point?