The Christian Double Cross

The Christian Double Cross

The Bad

I Did

The Shame

The Same

The Events


Sometimes Simple

Others Stirred

I Caused Chaos

I Started Trouble

In Moments Of Dare

My Tempter Doubled

Was It I?

Was It He?

Can I Blame

Satan For Me?

Whatever The Case

I Am On The Hook

I Look Back Now

And See The Crook

Yet Without Such Notice

Would I Ever Admit

That I Was A Sinner

Needing Redemption Quick?

So All Work Together

The Good and Bad

To Get You To See

Your Salvation Is Bad

Bad As In Good

Good As In Great

The Victory In Him

Heaven Can’t Wait

Thankful For God

To Show Me My Faults

I Cringe Even Now

Realize Much Thought

Without The Bad

I Would Be Proud

Living So Tall

Deceived By Fraud

Telling Myself Endlessly

How Great I Am

Never Seeing God

For His Salvation Stand

He Died For Our Sins

Bled On The Cross

So We Can Live

Forever No Cost

We Cross Over

From Death To Life

In A Moment Of Faith

Born Again Sprite

The Spirit Goes

To Wherever It May

The Word Returns Not

Void Or Astray

Hear The Word

Believe The Gospel

Salvation Today

For Any Heart Open

rKw Jr 20.01.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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