The Chase

The Chase

desperate for results

the soul debates

mind wanders

spirit excoriates

we feel the need

the time is now

all bets in

win somehow

find a purpose

take a stand

appearing glorified

to all mankind

essence of life

beyond the scope

here and now

takes a yoke

burdens heavier

patients to window

open then closed

the details assunder

folly in turn

a lifetime to wait

twist and turn

for all to snake

the devil tricks

us to wish

unmet wants

he cannot fix

see eternity

then your life

do not worry

peer pressure smites

eternally safe

forever the life

saved in time

for His delight



unlike no other


blood perculated

carries a surety

price high

love’s purity

rKw Jr 21.05.22

Robert William Kelly American Poet b 1965 – born again 1993

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