The Capstone Event On The Corner

four men sitting on platform
Photo by kat wilcox on

Time To Catch Up

It’s Always Pleasant

Meet An Old Friend

Swap Stories And Events

We Forget The Bonding

We Forget The Fun

We Want To Experience More

But Have To Always Run

In The Corners Of Life

We Face Many People

Crossing Paths Twice

We Feel Closer, Deeper

Many Have Grown

In Cities and Hoods

Where The Corner Was

Meeting Ground Understood

We Shared Life

We Were Too Young

Couldn’t Drive

Could Only Run

We Got Into Trouble

We Never Failed

But Fun Was Experienced

By All Who Prevailed

The City Life

Would Last Forever

Some Landed In Jail

Some Escaped With Pleasure

Emptiness Inevitable

The Fun Eventually Faded

We Needed A Rescue

Most Never Persuaded

Work Could Do It

Values Could Lead

Build Better Life

See If You Perceive

The Cornerstone of All

Was The Lesson To Learn

The Most Important Stone

We Can Rock ‘n Roll on

He Holds It All Together

By His Awesome Power

God Then Man

Eternally Endowed

This Corner Is Life

We Can Meet Again

You Will Be Forever

Safe As His Friend

We Will Catch Up

In The Great Snatch

A Rescue – The Rapture

The Capstone Event

rKw Jr 17.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly b 1965

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