The Butterfly Winks

The Butterfly Winks

Science – The Hypothesis

Tested True

Facts Come Together

Once Proven Who

Mostly Creationists

Founding Modern Science

Branches Sprung

The World Reliance

“Thinking Of God

His Thoughts After Him”

So Said Keppler

Stars and Planets – Orbits

The Jastrow Quote

On Mountaintop

Theologians Sit

Long Ago Thought

The Band Arrived

For Centuries

After Scaling Ignorance 

The Scientist Sees

A Creator Here

Proven His Wisdom

All Man Sees

Is His Derision

Yet God Remains

He Has Revealed

His Love And Care

For Man’s Ordeal

He Has Gone Far

To Redeem Man

Made It So Easy

That Was The Plan

Yet The Road Ahead

We Endure So

Life Knows Struggle

The Butterfly Show

The Caterpillar Exists

It Twists And Turns

Maybe A Mirror

For What We Learn

rKw Jr 23.07.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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