The Bustling Hustler

The Bustling Hustler

The Steps Taken

The Days Planned

The Wisdom Forsaken

The Pride Bans

We Ask For Help

But Go Alone

Devising A Scalp

Hands Feed Home

All To Ensure

All To Control

The Days Chance

Victory Unfolds

We Win 

We Succeed

Much More Failure

We Now Believe

Essential Oils

Wrung To Rung

Finding Necessary

Skills Unplugged

The Ultimate Lesson

Beyond Our Lot

To Recognize Him

The Love Stop

A Cloud Then Ray

His Ways Not Ours

As Much We Finagle

His A Better Stride

Whatever Happens

Whatever You Do

God Still Sovereign

With Us All Through

A Mighty God

Almighty, That Is

What Kind Of Love

Persists Over Our Fits

Evil Rages

Episodes Today

Sheep Clothing 

Wolves Now Wade

The Lessons Essential

Taught In A Vacuum

Love Forever Catches

Our Energy Hostile

We Are At Enmity

Yet God Calls Our

Here The Voice

A Baptizing Shout

At Last

Our Love Frees

Entering Hearts

Minds Debris

Born Again

We See At Last

Happily Escaping

The Hellacious Past

Truth, Wisdom

Hall Of Faith

Starts With Assenting

Believing His Fate

Redeemed Somehow

Yet Still A Sinner

Righteous Standing

Not Worthy, A Winner

Grace Accomplishes

Justice And Mercy

Guaranteeing Heaven

By His Word’s Assurity

rKw Jr 29.05.22

Robert William Kelly

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