The Burden Felt

The Burden Felt

Blinding Events

Open Eyes

Minds Shut

Life Despised

Hating The World

The Others Winning

Everyone Appears

To Have It Spinning

The Truth Appears

In Glimpes, In Words

Reality Comes

To The Mighty Herds

In Discovery

Underneath The Smile

The Laughing Eyes

The Felonious Disguise

Time Slips

Sudden Death Noted

Even The Chosen

Aren’t Luckily Promoted

Advantage On Edge

The Forgotten Lunge

Life Careening

The Spun Expunge

The Spirit

Going Forth,

The Word

Earth Alert

Come Unto Me

Believe and Be Saved

Freedom’s Cause

Freed We Are Famed

Glorified Eternal

Golden Streets

Body Immortal

Jesus Defeats

Today Is The Day

For The Cross Occurred

Providing The Pardon

Do We Deserve?

Declared By Faith

Justified By Mercy

Grace The Agency

Our Burden Firstly

rKw Jr 21.01.23

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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