The Book Reader

The Book Reader

Gained Time

Experience Rolled

Gauging Students

A Bell Doth Toll


Laize fair

Judge Fast

Values Scared

Morals Besmirched

Eternity Lossed

Knowledge Hidden

History Cost

Time Necessary

Tea Steeped

An Intelligence 

Brightly Deceived


Lucky Breaks

Hard Work

Reading Makes


The Enlightenment

Salvation Not

The Government

Breeding Visions

Embracing Values

Shaping Minds

Learning Virtues

Sifting For Truth

Discerning Lies

Finding Resources

Delivering Sighs

Overcoming Errors

Bad Decisions

Anxiety, Remorse 

Anguish, Depression

Sin Ever Present

Poor Judgements

Youthful Indiscretions

Mistakes Tumbling

Umbrella Protection

Picture Understood

All Things Work

For God’s Purposehood

Grace Covering

Amazing It Sounds

A Wretch Like Me

Vital To His Renown

rKw Jr 04.07.22

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