The Blurring Occurring

The Blurring Occurring

Music Radio

TV Print

The News So Good

(But All Silent)

Time And Temperature

Forecast Ahead

The Weather So Sunny

(All Are Blinded)

The Web Spins

Click, Post, Surf, Scroll

The Internet So Shouts

(“The Gospel” It Trolls)

Hollywood Hollywood

Its Middle Name Known

Once So Christian

The Devil Seeds Sown

The Mocking Occurring

The Only Target

The Reality of Jesus

And Imminent Returning

Clouds He Comes

That’s How He Went

The Earth His Creation

Yet Unrecognizably Sent

Rejected The Offer

By Israel

The Kingdom Postponed

For The Gentiles

Now Is The Time

The Day of Saving

People Souls Float

Forever Wavering

Believe Be Saved!

How Simple And Free

Yet We Twist And Hide

The Gospel With Pleas

Good Intention Folk

Are Led Away

Distorting The Gospel 

To This Day

No Wonder So Many

Turn And Walk

Telling People 

The Gospel Is Work

A Message Is Only

Something To Be Heard

You Believe It Or Not

It’s Supernaturally Learned

Repent A Word 

Twisted And Bent

All It Means 

Rethink The End

The End of Striving

The End of Dealing

The Start of Eternity

The Start of Winning

Cross Over Today 

From Death To Life

No Longer Doomed

Our Future So Bright!

rKw Jr 03.09.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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