The Bible Skinny

The Bible Skinny
Copyright: elenaperova

The Jesus We Know

We Sense His Will

He Lives Forever

Love To World Spilled

Coming Down

To Save People

Salvation Free

In and Out Of Steeple

The Message Told

Of His Great Deed

The Task Impossible

Nothing With God Reads

The Forgotten Bible 

A Good Message

A Provable Testimony

To Be Investigated

Words Deciphered

Passages Weighed

Testimony Remains

Do We Delay!


The Only To Do

The List Crossed Out

The Home Groom

Words Are Life

Sharper Than Swords

Double edged Weapon

To Destroy The Worlds

One Word Will Extend

In Time, Air and Place

Enemies Vanquished

Saving The Human Race

rKw Jr 16.03.23

Robert Kelly Born 1965 A Christian Poet born again 8-6-1993

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