The Best Writer

The Best Writer

Good Writing

Deceives All

What Is Good

About The Fall

Wax Poetic

Talk And Discuss

Deliver A Bolt

The Writer’s Touch

The Instinct Pure

The Nerve Raw

Yet All Amiss

Values Flawed

We Live Stale

If We Don’t See

All Of God’s

Winks For Free

The Breeze

The Chill

The Weather

Thousands Still

The Sky Speaks

The Moon Salutes

The Gulls Show

God Is Alert

He Sees All

Yet We Are Blind

A Paradox Unfolding

Every Second Of Time

We Become Frail

Down The Road

The Old Man

Young But Sold

God Is Wondrous

An Adventure On Call

Yet We Decide

To Live Alone Tall

Proud We Become

Never To Show

A Need For God

We Fade Below

Up Or Down

Elevator Music

The Band Plays On

Titanic Our Rubric

We Happily Remain

Away From God

Beleiving What

Others Have Told

Trusting People

Who Say Never Read

Never Pick Up

The Bible And See

See How Easy

Salvation The Jolt

The Wonderful Love

Cure For The Revolt

We Rebel

We Are Fallen 

Yet God Decided

To Sacrifice All Of Him

He Came To Earth

Died Misunderstood

Told The Apostles

Eyewitnesses To Good

Rose To Heaven

Promising To Return

Giving Life For Faith

So We Won’t Burn

rKw Jr 17.12.21

Robert Kelly b. 1965

A Christian Poet

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