The Best Laid Manipulations

The Best Laid Manipulations
Photo by Lachlan Ross

Manipulating People

We Do So Well

Never Wondering If

Our Agenda Is Swell

Whatever The Need

Mine Is Greater

Get In My Way

“Oh Help Me Waiter!”

People Serve As Pawns

Sometimes Patsies

We Push And Block

Twist Them Faster

Shielding Our Weakness

We Find Another Target

Hiding Our Intention

Seeing Each Other

Friends Up Close

The Laughter May Be Real

But The Agenda Rises

The Never Ending Deal

Jesus And The Father

The Will Of Him Subjected

Jesus Never Wandered

The Plan Never Objected

Manipulate He Could

Angels – Legion – Standing By

But To The Cross Silent

He Never Even Tried

All Our Sins Paid 

Excused Manipulations

All Our Dreariness

Forgotten Manifestions

His Will Done

Our Will Not

So Get With It

You’re No Robot

Robots, God Doesn’t Make

But Free Will Still Lost

Unless God Breathes Again

The Holy Spirit Surrogate

rKw Jr 28.06.21

Robert Kelly b. 1965

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