The Answer And Question

The Answer And Question

The Grind

The Life

Our Requests

Are Striked

The Waiting

The Patience

Our Happenstance

Now Fretting

Tasks To Do

Duties Here

Yet Stymied Now

Hedged Everywhere

The Struggle

The Curse

Out Of Eden

It Couldn’t Get Worse

Sometimes Answers

Are Not The Answer

But Forced Time With Him

Brings Us Ransom

Subject to Death

At Any One Time

Yet We Do Forget

And Focus On His Rhyme

We Stay Close

Get Even Closer

God Brought In

The Best Shelter

We Do Good

We Do Sin

Yet On Balance

Do We Win?

There Is No Good

None Have Done

In Vain We Awake

Early To Run

Humble Yourself

See The Line

Where We Finish

Every Knee In Kind

We Shall All Bow

And Do Confess

Jesus Is Lord

Forget The Rest

rKw Jr 22.01.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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