The Angel, God And Me

The Angel, God And Me
Photo by Linda Rusinko on

We Have Burdens

We Carry Them Around

Parents Do Wonders

They Make Life Sound

God Is Close

He Has The Eye

Watching Us Now

Even When We Cry

He Is Our Father

He Knows Who Are His

Redeemed From Eternity

Ordained To Be ‘Tis

The Trouble We Have

Are Within The Circumference

Of His Widened Scope

Of Love And Encumberance

The Angels Intercede

At Moments Notice

Faster Than Lightening

Or Shows Their Closeness

From God’s Mind

They Take Their Message

Or Maybe It’s An Instruction

From Their Job Description

I Was A Benefactor

Of One Such Angel

He Grabbed Me From Falling

Into Doberman Pincers

doberman pinscher prone lying on grass
Photo by Creation Hill on

I Was Doing Wrong

But God Showed Mercy

Even Though I Was 7

Trespassing Was Heresy

Trying To Catch 

A Bird With A Box

The Dogs Patrolled

The Church Unlocked

They Sprang Forward

A Silent Surprise

I Had No Lookout

I Was Their Prize

Up On The Fence

One Leg Sprang

Falling Back

The Angel Came

jumpshot photography of woman in white and yellow dress near body of water
Photo by Quang Anh Ha Nguyen on

I Never Saw Him

But Felt Gentleness

Lifting Me Over

The 4 Foot Fence

rKw Jr 20.04.21

Poet Robert Kelly Tells Of His Encounter With An Angel
Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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