The Amazing Awakening

The Amazing Awakening

Amazing Hope

We Do Possess

Never Stolen

Although Compressed

We Are Challenged

Told To Forget

A Pie In Sky

A Fake Vignette

The Bible Is Evidential

But We Refrain

Told To Hide

Reframe Our Brain

Yet Believe On Simply

The Nose Or Rose

Your Blinking Eye

The Sunshine Show

Hope Still Shines

Every Eternal

God The Kind

Loves Nocturnal

He Sees You Sleep

Knows When You Wake

Knows If Good Bad

Yet Covers In Grace

Grace Is Essential

To Understand Him

To Learn You Are Forgiven

All Covered A Grin

Even His Love

Covers Your Feelings

Good Bad Ugly

Yourself Dealing

We Sometimes Enter

Moments of Doubt

But Even Further

We Can Hate Ourselves

Yet God Still Loves

Despite Our Warts

Despite Our Feelings

Hope Never Thwarts

So Take Note

Remember The Deal

He Did It All

We Are His Appeal

Showing To World

His Great Mercy

Ages To Come

In Awe To Be 

rKw Jr 023.11.22

Robert Kelly

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