The Altering Fit

The Altering Fit

The Elements Receive

Change The Game

A Note Passed

A Text Ordained

Solid Moment

The Future Current

The Task In View

Interrupted Event

New Information

Altering The Course

Corrected Path

Upholded Truth

Thinking We Knew

The Right Answer

A Friend To Pick Up

Not Near Old Spot

Home Was The Front

Should Have Acknowledged

But Present Pattern

Altered The Truth

Only As Good

As Information Given

Yet Uncovering More

Changes The Matter

We think We Know

So Assured Of It

Side Swiped

The Humbled Fit

So Much To See

Yet Simple The Friend

Jesus Is God

New Birth To Win

Anyone Who Calls

Has Eternal Life

Guaranteed Forever

Good News Ripe

Believe Today

Cross Right Over

Sins Absolved

Deposit Given

The Holy Spirit

Comforter Of Soul

Takes Ownership

Won’t Leave Us Alone

Repent A Word

But Alter And Changed

Decision Vectored

Truth Abridged

Rethink Him

Draw New Insight

See The Truth 

Find The Life

rKw Jr 8.15.22

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