The Ages Of Glory

The Ages Of Glory
Copyright: hasloo

Ages To Come

God Will Show

His Mercy To Us

Underserved in Tow

Glorified Then

Eternally Granted

Life Forever

Today It’s Planted

If You Hear

The Message Spoken

Salvation Free

The Blood Token

Covering Sins

Redemption Gold

Streets Thereof

Heaven So Bold

How Dare We Suggest?

What Gives Us The Right?

Jesus In History

Plainly In Sight

Cancelling Regulations

We Couldn’t Endure

He Fulfilled For Us

Heaven Is Assured

Blessed Assurance

We Are Endowed

Depression Comes

Our Minds So Vowed

Ephesians Distills

Our Minds The Locus

Turns The Soul

Darkened Focus

Our Minds Sorted

The Spirit Joins

Born Again Forever

The Wedding Adjourns

rKw Jr 29.07.22

Robert Kelly Born 1965

A Christian Poet

born again 8-6-1993

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