Thank Your Lawyer

Thank Your Lawyer

Here Is Thanks

What We Have

What We Possess

We Are Glad

Life Is Cursed

We Are Fallen

The Earth Verse

All Is Rotten

The Redemption

The Justification

The Meaning

Life Adjudication

In God’s Court

Attorney Present

Adversary Shows

Accuser Dements

The Judge Decides

Ruling Fair

Ruling Gracious

We Are Spared

The Penalty Deserved

Sin Punished

Hell Reserved

Satan’s Blemish

Steals, Kills, Destroys

All Who Follow Him

Aiming At Youth

Institutionally Driven

Controlling Schools

Suppressing Bible

Controlling Media

Communication Rivaled

The Printing Press

To Wit A Bible

For To Read

To Decide Reprival

Without The Bible

No Media

No Schools

Nothing To Read Period

Yet Satan Attacks

Schools And Kids

Sways Them To Twist

Truth From Them

He Claims Freedom

Must Be Without God

Yet He Is Bounded

To Hell His Charge

The Bible States

It Is For Freedom

Christ Set Us

For The Kingdom

The Kingdom To Come

Jesus Will Reign

We Will Rule With Him

Satan Tries To Feign

Yet It Is True

Tell The Mountain

We Can Live Forever

Be Thankful For Him

rKw Jr 25.11.22

Robert Kelly b. 1965

Christian Poet

today is the day of salvation

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