Teen’s Wasted Age

Teen’s Wasted Age
Photo by Elijah O'Donnell

Sounds Captivate

The Young Mind

Each Day Another

Takes Them Blind

Ears To Hear

Eyes To See

Discovering All

The Devil’s Deeds

Time Is Short

The Age Of Youth

Values Determined

Changed Truth

Easily Swayed

The Target Clear

Destroy Morals

Unable To Rear

Wasted Energy

Wasted Pursuits

Wasted Knowledge

Wasted Truths

Time Spent

Mind Absorbed

Behavior Altered

Reputations Screwed

Folly Comes

It Leaves A Mark

Hurt For Bad

It Shapes The Arc

The Life Trajectory

Fizzles Or Soars

If Heaven Forgotten

Hell Scores

You Are What You Eat

The Bible Does Echo

Man Doesn’t Feed

On Bread Alone

Yet The Youth Pass

They Develop The Path

Fill The Bucket

Selfishness Leads To Wrath

God’s Wrath Remains

On Those Unclothed

Without The Righteousness

Faith in Jesus Foreclosed

But Youth Won’t Read

They Are Taught To Run

From Anything Of God

Must Be No Fun

But Joy Of God

Is Your Strength

Love Him Always

Your Mind First Place

Consider All Things

As God’s Thoughts After Him

He Created All

Begin – End – Within

Real Education

Includes All Sides

Creation Should Be Seen

As Alternative Bride

Harvard Law Founder

Kids Should Know Said

The Resurrection Provable

In Any Us Court, Friend

So Don’t Be Seduced

By Power And Grip

Of The Enemy Who Says

Heaven Can Never Be Sipped

For You Are Qualified

The Moment You Believe

In An Instant It Happens

Why Are We So Deceived?

So Don’t Waste Your Time

In Things Without God

Enjoy It All

But Bring Him Along

rKw Jr 05.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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