Taxed To Death

Taxed To Death

Sin – Tax Improper

It Flows on Paper

The Life We Find

A Dealing Draper

Hide We Do

We Just Ignore

The Penalty Blue

The Sleeping Snore

On The Hook

For Adams Fall

Our Fault Or His ?

The Curse Calls

Sin Infection

Creates Taxes

Out Of Eden

No Relaxing

Everywhere Found

The Money Spent

Cover Cost

Sin’s Wicked Dent

Bills of Health

Defense Department

Budget Grows

Graft Dysfunction

Deficit Permanent

Debt Renowned

Expanding Exponential

No End Found

Unemployment Paid

Each Hand Open

Rather Home Stay

Than Work – Loafing

Bread Feeds

The Belly Full

A Man Won’t Eat

If Work Not Sown

The Tax of Sin

The Payment Tall

Hell The Final 

Remedy Cureall

Yet There Is Hope

A Real Panacea

The Curse Broken

The Father’s Idea

Jesus Sent

He Satisfied With Justice

Giving His Life

His Body For Just Us

The Fall Left Us Broke

The Curse of Sin Due

The Tax Burden Heavy

Jesus Broke For You

rKw Jr 10.08.21

Robert Kelly Poet Born 1965 –

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  1. Robin

    Beautiful mind Robert. God bless you for the labour in His precious Word.
    Stay blessed.

    • Robert

      Thanks Robin, I am Blessed To Read Your Words. God is Eternal, His Word is Eternal and Therefore One Can Almost Say Words Are Eternal – Poems Can Last Forever ! They Are Short Enough To Complete Daily Offer Ability to Speak to World and Allow Author to Edit to his Own Pleasure. Creating is Fun in short yet powerful eternally – writing helps me redeem my day !

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