Switch The Glory

Switch The Glory

Catch A Ride

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Referenced In Time

Shaping Culture

A Song, A Line

A Movie Scene

A Television Show

Always Supreme

A Default Point

Full Of Fault

Why Frame Life?

With Hollywood Stuff

The Social Disdain

The Lack Of Glory

Goes To Those

Who Neglect Stories

Not Knowing The Tune

Or Seeing A Movie

E.T. Has Been Out

For Many Years Groovy

Terrestrial Tweets

Extraordinarily Dumb

When God Has Proclaimed

His Word From Above

Why Ignore? 

Why Not Learn?

See For Yourself

Learn How To Discern

The Glory To Know

The Glory We Need

Comes From God

Graciously Indeed

To Align Oneself

To The Worldly Glorifier

Can Cost You All

A Soul In The Fire

We Do It Automatically

Do We Even Notice?

Our Lives Slipping

Beyond Sodom And Gomorrah

We Develop Our Image

Our Values Scope Out

The Ultimate Tragedy

A Deceptive Sell Out

rKw Jr 02.01.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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