Swayed Then Slayed

Swayed Then Slayed
Photo by Maksim Romashkin at pexels.com

Swayed We Live

We Never Doubt

Everything We’ve Been Taught

It’s Good For Our Clout

Build A Reputation

Develop Resume

Find Some Skills

Make ‘Em Pay

Play The Game

Get What You Can

Get What You Need

Step All Over Man

Compete With Edge

Trample Your Enemy

Love Your Job

That’s Too Friendly

Careers Are Here

They Serve Us Now

All Is Aligned

With The Big Crowd

The Sway Of The Noise

It’s Surround Sound

All We Consider

When Looking Around

We Learn About Life

With What’s Spoon Fed

We Trust Ourselves

We Will Never Be Dead

Yet Life Continues

It Slips Away

We Are Unprepared

To Die This Day

Anything Can Happen

No Guarantees

With What Expires

Our Life A Rendering

Who Do We Serve?

Who Do We Love?

If Self To Both

Shallow To Him Above

Learn About Love

66 Love Letters 

Straight From God

We Ignore At Our Peril

Education Consists

Reading And Observing

Learning About God

Not A Victim Of Besmirching

For God Is Slandered

By Educational System

He Is Ignored

Yet We Will Be With Him

Every Knee Will Bow

Every Tongue Confess

Jesus Is Lord

So Rise To The Test

Examine The Evidence

See Truth At Last

Get Educated

On God Real Fast

rKw Jr 23.05.21

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