Surf The Turf

Surf The Turf
Photo by Jess Vide on
people surfing on sea waves
Photo by Jess Vide on

Surf’s sup’

God Is Real

He Is The Hope

We Have To Feel

With Our Eyes

With Our Hearts

With Our Minds

Make The Start

The Day Is Here

Always The Moment

To See Your God

Almighty Servant

With Your Mind

The Greatest Gift

Surf With God

The Holy Spirit

Born Anew

Afresh And Dandy

You Will Rejoice

Abundance – Aplenty

Your Father In Heaven

Sent Jesus Along

In A Body Made-

He Died Forlorn

He Rose To Say

Death Is Mastered

By Him Right Now

Heaven Is Plastered

For He Is Making

A Place For You

He Will Come Back

Take You There Too

He Came Once

Promised Twice

We Do Have Hope 

Surfing Is Nice

Love Waves In

The Mind Rides

Cresting With Thoughts

God Doesn’t Hide

frozen wave against sunlight
Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

He Is Everywhere

Fingerprints Shown

All Of Creation

Speak Of His Tone

The Human Eye

Beyond Sophistication

Darwin Shuddered

Of Its Complications

anonymous woman with rainbow light on face
Photo by Wings Of Freedom on

The Human Body

With Trillions Of Cells

Empowering Us

To Live and Tell Of

senior man in orange shirt and black pants doing yoga
Photo by Anna Shvets on

“God Is God

Though We Can See

We Are Blinded 

The Devil’s Party

The Veil Is Lifted

We Do Emerge

The Daily Stupor

A Wicked Scourge

What Good Are Eyes

If They Don’t See

God Is Right Here

For You – For Me

We Are Estranged

Thanks To Adam’s Fall

We Inherited 

His Nature’s Ball

The Second Adam

The Name Is Jesus

Redeems Our Ways

Sacrificially Genius

Outwitting Satan

Went All The Way

Whatever It Took

He Cared To Pay

His Life Was Spent

Redeeming The World

Satan Shocked

He Lost It – Nerd

Living Forever !

We Can Because

Not Of Goodness

But Faith In Above

We Have A Redeemer

A Pardon Written Out

Placing Sinners

In Heaven No Doubt

Declared Perfect

We Still Sin – Hot

Because Jesus Did

What We Could Not

We Are Fallen

Our Sin Oozes

We Think We’re Good

Even Not Boozin’

Ole’ Sin Nature

We Are Stained

So Natural And So Familiar

We Hardly Disdain

We Grow Accustomed

To Our Falleness

We Think It’s Normal

To Be So Friendless

Loneliness – The Cost

Of The Cursed Creation

Part of Our Sin’s Ball

Devoid of Vacation

We Slip Into A Vortex

A Blender Of Contortion

Twisting And Turning

The Undertowing Ocean

aerial photography of seashore
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

The Life Is Swallowed

We Need A Preserver

Someone To Rescue

Beyond Human Order

God in The Flesh

He Walks on The Water

The Ocean – This Life

As Bible Records Her

Call Out To Him

Take A Step In Faith

Eye The Redeemer

In Sight – Wake !

rKw Jr 18.04.21

Surfing With God is Cooler via the Holy Spirit
Robert Kelly b 1965

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