Success And The Empty Box

person standing on top of rock
Photo by Suliman Sallehi on

Is This All There Is ?

I Hear Them Say

To Reach The Top

Yet In Dismay

tourist lying in camping tent near shore
Photo by Brady Knoll on

Not Satisfied

The Feeling Empty

Glory From Man

Still Desiring Plenty

man standing on rock during sunset
Photo by Mathew Thomas on

You Are The Best

You Are The Goat

You Live As King

Yet How Remote

The Life Continues

The Praises Come

Gnawing – The Feeling

The Worst To Some

Oh Despair !

Oh Grief !

What A Woe !

So Incomplete

The Road Ahead

The Road Behind

The Mountain Top


person walking on the field
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Who Dares

To Steal My Crown ?

I am the Best

In This Town

The Kid Learns

The Truth Stings

Everyone Holds

His Wedding Ring

The World Devoid

The Crowd Amiss

Disappointing Arrival

The Sunday Kiss

Only One Worthy

Of Our Attention

He Drove Nails

His Gestation

All Else Fails

The Worldly Box

Opened At Last

The Empty Rock

The Rock of God

The Rock of Ages

Not In Box

But Read In Pages

Educate Thyself

Come A Bit Closer

Don’t Be Afraid

God Is No Bulldozer

He Is Not A Bully

Doesn’t Talk Bull

He Found A Way

The News Gospel

It’s Good For Sure

What We Need

We Could Never

Be Perfect Sheep

A Lamb In Fact

Was Prepared

God’s Sacrifice

We Are Repaired

At Moment of Belief

We Live Forever

The Greatest Victory

All His Pleasure

Joy Set Before

Endured The Cross

Scorning It’s Shame

Peace At Great Cost

Free To Us

His Mercy Bestows

Grace We Are Covered

Step Into The Flow

The Spirit Moves

Wherever It Wants

These Words Are Life

Overcome The Dross

Believe At Last !

The Ultimate Endeavor

Soar With Christ Now

Adventurous Pleasure

All Things Work

Together For Those

Who Love God 

Born Again Woes

It’s Not Easy

But Is A Trial

Yet Without God

Skinned Alive

With God We Live

Forever And Some

Eternity Next

Ages To Come

rKw Jr 03.05.21

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