Stifling Voices

Stifling Voices
Photo by Magda Ehlers

In The Free World

The Communication Age

The Messages Swarm

Occupy Us Today

Our Minds Suggestable

Our Lives A Trance

Seduced By Voices

The Air Has Plants

Be This Way

Do This Now

You Have This Need

Urgency Flows

Buy Right Now

“Go Right Ahead”

“I’ll Take Your Order

“Is That It ?”

Free Can Be Costly

The Price Hidden

The Hook Baited

Swallowed Forbidden

The Pattern Emerges

Life Takes A Circle

Each Year – Each Day

We Wake Up Uncertain

Yet There Is A Message

Still Unheard

Despite All Communication

It’s Thought Of Absurd

Trained By The World

The Prince Of The Air

The Life Right Now

Is All We Should Care

Are We Really Free?

We Think That We Are

Yet Not Able To Reference

The Bible At All

The World Is Open

To All Other Messages

Yet The Bible Is Mocked

By Intelligent Pretensions

Yet The Word Goes Forth

The Bible Returns Strong

Although Pre-slandered

It Does His Will Beyond

Even Now – People Here

Believe And Be Saved

Overcoming All Fear

Salvation – Stayed

Free And Everlasting

A Moment Of Faith

Returns Eternal Blessings

The Only Message Today

Free World Today

Is Only Free

If The Stifling Media

It’s Mouth For He

For Heaven Is Open

For All For Free

The Message Rescues

Silent Stifling – Heat

rKw Jr 07.07.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965 –

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