Stiffed For Life

Stiffed For Life

The Cross Offends

It Says We Need Him

Says We Are Fallen

Pride Stiffens Within

How Dare You Say

I Am Evil

How Dare You Accuse

My Sin Different

I Do Good

I Try Hard

I Work All Day

To Get My Yard

The Gospel Message

It Comes Preslandered

The Bible Itself 

Is Lost Before Gathered

We Put Up A Wall

We Think We Are Smart

Yet From Us Is Hidden

The True Life Apart

God Is Real

He Is Available To See

Not Directly

But In Creation For Thee

The Word Is Difficult

Many Cannot Decipher

They Lift Up Hands

And Turn Away For Lifer

Yet The Word Is All

Just About One Thing

The Life Of Jesus

Each Book Does Bring

The Prism In Place

One Can See

God Redeems People

In Jesus For Free

Just An Act of Faith

A Simple Solemn Moment

A Gift From Above

Never To Be Stolen

rKw Jr 26.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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