Stan, Judy And Jesus

Stan, Judy And Jesus

The Discovery Of Stan Techlin’s 

A Very Rich Jew

The Man Of Distinction

His Daughter Of BU

She Volunteered At Night

Sometimes During The Day

Samaritan Her Cause

Answering Phones Of The Dismayed

Her Fellow Volunteer

Would Cite A Bible Verse

To Encourage The Anguished

The Remorseful’s Hurt

She Listened And Wondered

About Jesus Herself

Was He The One

For Her To Immerse?

“Come Unto Me

All You Weary

Take My Yoke

My Burden Sharing”

My Yoke Easy

My Burden Light

Always Present

Always A Delight

God Seemed Active

He Seemed Real

He Seem To Care

Judy Did Feel

A Christian She Became

Just By Believing

Her Father Now Him,

Stan Now Steaming

How Can You

Be A Jew And Christian?

North And South

East To West Friction

He Endeavored To Help

By Reading The Word

For The First Time Ever

 He Knew He Ignored

All His Circle 

Religious Included

No One Had Read

All Had Deserted

Expecting To Find

A Gospel of Hate

Instead Learning

God Was His Fate

A God Of Love

A God Of Mercy

A God of Grace

Faith The Jersey

Raising A Banner

New Clothes To Wear

Garments Shredded

Jesus His New Dare

Finding Out 

The Jews Believed

How Did It Come Today

That Jews Are Not Reprieved?

Where Did The Story

Turn And Twist

From Jews Believing

But Now They Resist?

A Hook In His Mind

He Had To Discover

The Truth For Himself

No More Running For Cover

rKw Jr 13.06.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965 A Christian Poet

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