Spiritually Exercising

Spiritually Exercising

Stretch And Exercise

Bend and Touch

Eat Regularly Well

Thanks So Much

Spiritual Food

In The Bible For Free

Eve Ate An Apple

All She Could See

Tempted By An Enemy

She Liked It’s Look

Despite God’s Warning

We Find In The Book

The Food We Eat

Can Be A Wonder

Yet They Do Not Replace

The Spiritual Hunger

The Need To Feed

On God’s Word

Provides Nutrition

The Blood Firm

Turning To God

More and More

Daily The Treasure

The Bottle Demure

Carrying To Soul

The Cherished Truths

Providing Energy

To The Days Boost

Exercising Demons

Strengthening Sinews

Lifting Spirits

Body and Temple

In Vain A Man Rises

And All He Does

If He Misses God

It Is All A Bust

rKw Jr 02.09.21

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