Soul On Broadway

Soul On Broadway
Photo by Ryan Millier

Manhattan Island

The Big Apple

The World Came

Buildings Grapple

Fight For Space

As They Grow

Taller Than

What’s Below

Satan Is There

What’s His City?

In The Bible

Pergamum Pretty?

Soul Music?

Soul Food?

Reborn With God

Soul Brood

The Soul Jam

Ultimate Festival

Soul Weighs

No Bigger Rival

Nothing Greater

Exists On Earth

The Soul’s Cache

The Winning Purse

Life Best Spent

Feeding the Soul

Returns Pleasant

Good Times Roll

How Does It Profit

To Win The World

Then Lose The Soul?

No Real Dessert

A Deserted Life

In Sands Unknown

Abyss Waiting

Sin Long Sown

Rescue Hand

Not Too Short

The Arm Strong

Soul Unhurt

The Soul Sees

It Does Sour

Feels The Sore

Away It Soars

The Soul Mated

Found In Christ

Saved Somehow

Love At First Buy

The Lover of Our Soul

God Declares

He is Jealous

He Knows You’re There

Redeemed Forever

Snatched From Fire

The World Cities

So Undersized

rKw Jr 20.06.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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