Social Fairness Vs. Gospel Justice

Social Fairness Vs. Gospel Justice
Photo by Scott Webb

Fair Is Life

We Think It ’tis

Yet Live A Day

You’ll See What Is

Justice The Complaint

Social Or Civil

Criminal But Never


Yet God Enters Picture

He Actually Starts 

When You See His Care

You Won’t Worry About Fair

For God Died

Not For His Friends

But For His Enemies

The Cross Extends

The Gospel Our Reach

The Main Effort

A Message To Impeach

The Justice Social Ended

For Why Forget?

What God Did For Us?

And Replace It With

Another Banner Up

Fairness Is Executed

Eliminated Playoff

If We Got What’s Fair

Hell Our Last Stop

For We Deserve Nothing

We Are Fallen And Lost

Yet God Searches For He

Wandering Soul – Oh Cross

Cross Is Reconciliation

God The Father Satisfied

Because The Resurrection

Will Keep Us Dead – Alive

rKw Jr 11.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b. 1965

Born again 1993

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