Smile’s Luxury

woman in collared shirt
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on


I Know It’s Good

I Know It’s Better

But I’m Not Understood

Luxury It Is

Emerson Did Say

To Be Understood


To Be Heard

To Be Drawn Out

Not To Jump 

At First Thing Out

Conversations We Have

At Work Or At Play

End Up Very Fast

Being Lost In Disarray

An Event Can Occur

The Details Are Many

Yet To The Heard

A Bore – Just Spare Me

Is It Control?

Or Is It Impatience?

Is It Rudeness?

To Interupt My Radiance?

Have A Message 

Things Do Happen

Have Another

About Something Passing

Don’t Miss The Boat

Don’t Ignore The Fuss

It’s Static To You

Misunderstood To Huff

It’s A Plain Message

It’s A Report Of News

It’s Something – Happened

Cannot Be Confused

Don’t Misintrepret 

Don’t Misunderstand

Believe In The Resurrection

Jesus, The God Man

It’s Easily Missed

And Even When Believed

We Get Tripped Up 

Mixing Legalism – Deceived

But It Is Not Of The Law

It Is Not Of The Commandments

No One Could Ever 

Fulfill Those Demandments

So It’s A Relief 

It’s A Burden Lifted

He Did For You

What Couldn’t Be Listed

For He Stood In Our Place

He Took Our Punishment

Making Peace On The Cross

Bringing Love To Our Continence

Now We Can Smile

We Can Really Glow

For God Is A Blessing

Bless Him – With A Show

rKw Jr 16.05.21

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