Slaves to Saints

Slaves to Saints
Photo by Pixabay

Born A Slave

We All Were Found

A Slave To A World

Winding Down

The Bible Shows

God Is Real

He Has A Plan

Hope Is The Deal

You Need Only Him

Ask And See

He Is Your Friend

Future At Ease

Whatever Happens

On Earth To Us

Is All Good

He Promises

Even The Bad

The Danger Here

Is Handled By Him

No Need To Fear

Fear Not” He Says

I Overcame

I Am Your Resurrection

Believe Me. Today

Heaven The Promise

We Need To Know

Why Do We Hide 

Information To Go?

Take It And Run

Learn As You Go

Remember The Fun

Resting With God So

A Youth Must Realize

The Truth Of Him

He Rose From Death

Because Of Our Sin

We Are Like God

Made In His Image

But Fallen From Grace

Redemption Given

He Cares About Us

Dying On A Cross

The Perfect Sacrifice

Cost Him Alot

Yet He Rose

Now We Will Too

Don’t Let Anyone

Hide This Truth

The Spirit Reveals

He Is Love

Born Again Nature

Heaven Above

The Fall Of One Man

We Inherited His Nature

Not Really Our Fault

On The Hook – Patient

We Are In Need

We Need A Rescue

We Need A Pardon

God To The Temple

The Temple Our Body

He Comes And Live

In Our Hearts And Minds

The Soul Is His Win

The Victory Parade

Will Be In Heaven

So Grateful Are We

Crowns We Give Him

Gladly We Do

For Although We Won

Without Him Our Friend

No Hope, No Fun

A Freed Slave

Saint – Your State

Heaven – The Door

Jesus – The Gate

rKw Jr 24.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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