Silly Pride

Silly Pride

The Temperature Varies

The Creation Speaks

The Wind Whirls

At Man’s Humbled Feet

We Are All Governed

All Are Subject

To Weather’s Whims

The Planet Vortex

Yet Man Laughs

He Boasts And Smiles

He Thinks He Knows

Everything All The Time

Yet He Is A Mouse

Plans He May Lay

Do Often Go Awry

Just Look At Everyday

Proud He Remains

On His Hill

Buried In Dirt

Yet Never Still

He Never Acknowledges

He Refuses To See 

God Is Here

He Created For Free

He Redeems Also

It Cost Him Dearly

Yet He Rose For Us

Love For Us Merely

We Ignore

We Are Fooled

We Dismiss

God From School

We Stopped Praying

In 1962

To God As Students 

Payment Came Due

From That Day

The Statistics Grew

The Society Destruction

In Full View

rKw Jr 29.12.21

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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