School’s Love Lost

School’s Love Lost

Time Reversed

The Day in ’54

The Church Sold All

Everything For Sure

Agreeing To Be Silent

On Political Issues

To Appease Johnson

A Losing Tissue

He Would Cry

If Not President

But Senator First

Assured Treatment

Re-election Concern

He Devised A Plan

Silence The Christian

Fear No Man

Six Years Prior

Election Box 13

Stole His Victory

Never Ever Clean

The Church Shrunk

It’s Stature Lost

The Causes Crushed

The Bible Tossed

School Prayer First

Struck Down By Court

Only One Jurist Legal

The Rest Political Skirts

The Prayer Asked For

Help In Four Areas

Teachers, Parents 

Nation, Us – All There

Since The Day

All Categories Infected

Stats Invented

To Gauge The Demented

The Bible Tossed Later

2 Years Shoved

Replaced With Emptiness

Lost In No Love

Schools Become Full

Of Demons And Evil

Darkness Prevails

Only The Wise Are Real

Wisdom Developed

By Observation and Practice

By Bible Reading And Caring

We Can Grow Fully Active

Understanding Our Nature

Seeing The Truth

Emerging Victorious

Eternal Life For The Youth

The Hope Resounds

The Message Clear

We Are Fallen

But Redeemed From Fear

Eternal Life The Gift

To The Unworthy

Hidden From All

Even Schools Pity

Although Greenleaf Said

Harvard Law Founder

The Resurrection Provable 

Any Court Around 

Using Eyewitness Testimony

The Rules of Antiquity

We Find Hope, Peace, Love

All In Such Tranquility

This Should Be

The School Message

Creating A Climate

Of Love And Acceptance

No Greater Love

School’s Message

Creating A Climate

Of Love And Acceptance

The Founder’s Founded

A Christian Nation

Not For Any One Denomination

But For All To Find Salvation

The Wall of Separation

Applied to Denomination

To Keep One From Ruling

Magisterial Castration

Yet 150 Years Later

Taking Out of Context

Now A Tool

To Remove God From Schools

The Original Intent

Has Been Hijacked

Instead of Peace

We Are A Nation Bushwacked

Ignoring God

Now So Vulnerable

Invaded And Despised

The End Is Inevitable

Yet God Rescues

Even Today

Our Nation May Be Lost

Salvation Here To Say

Believe and Be Free

Find Your True Love

God Is The Savior 

Live Forever Above

rKw Jr 22.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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