Satan’s Last Kiss

Satan’s Last Kiss

On 9-11

The Lives Were Lost

The Country Attacked

Countless The Cost

Three Thousand Plus

Died And Left

Legacies of Memories

How Sad They Went

A Moment In Time

Never Forgotten

Images Unimaginable

Reminding How Rotten!

The Enemies Sounded

They Appeared To Win

But To Attack Innocent

A Payback Whirlwind

Satan Laughs

He Knows He Is Fading

The Enemies Surrendered

The Soul To Him Slaying

What Does It Profit

A Man to Live

Losing His Soul

Hell For A Spin?

Deceiving And Lying

Satan Appears As Truth

So Easy To Fall

For His Latest Scoop

All Around Today

The Most Valued Commodity

Is News Portrayed

As Truth Based Oddities

Covid Vaccines – Global Warming

All Provide Satan

With A Chance To Push

Long Running Programs

All Full of Lies

Yet Stuff With A Bit of Truth

The Skin of Which

Underneath Seduced

Leading Billions Astray

Thinking It’s Right And Good

All Soon Dismayed

When The Lies Are Understood

Deceptive In Tones

Sounding So Noble

A Sense Of Urgency

Carrying Trouble

Forerunners – Dry Runs

The Great Rapture Near

Sent By God

To All Who Disappear

The Great Deception

The Delusion To Come

Will Cause All

To Fall Under A Thumb

The Rapture A Rescue

But The Left Will Miss

They Will Fall Easily

For Satan’s Last Kiss

rKw Jr 12.08.21

Robert Kelly B. 1965 –

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