Santa Clause: The Double Agent

Santa Clause: The Double Agent

Santa Or Satan?

At A Glance

Appears The Same

We Take A Chance

A Chance To Believe

As Young Children

Too Small To See

The Evil Deception

Santa Creates A Hope

To The Little Soul

He Excites His Life

The Soul Is Trolled

Hurt So Bad

He Subverts Pain

Hemorrhaging His Mind

By All Who Play This Game

The Pain Is Mocked

By Peer Groups So

Authority Too

A Wicked Foe

He Loses Trust

Yet Hides His Thoughts

Growing Up Fast

His Life Thrusts

Never To Consider

The Pain Still There

A Godlike Figure

Who Will Again Appear

He Turns And Agrees

With All Who Mock

Jesus The King

The Satanic Defrock

A Supernatural Force

The Word Of God

Is His Only Hope

To Comfort And Dislodge

The Word Is Almost

Too Good To Be True

When First Viewing

It Resolves Our Blues

Jesus Is God

He Will Reward Us Too

Yet Loves Us All

Who Believe It’s True

So Don’t Let Santa

Be Used By Satan

To Steal, Kill, Destroy

Your Soul’s Redemption

Believe And Be Saved

Today Is The Day

Cross Over To Life

Instant Monet

rKw Jr 24.12.21

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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