The Umbrella From God

The Umbrella From God

A Christian

Very Christian

Should Be Good

Never Blistering

Keep His Head

Never Anger

Never Lust

No Head Banger

But Christians Do

So Very Human

We Act Up

Cause Much Confusion

Under The Umbrella

Grace It Is Called

Covered By Him

Who Did It All

So When We Sin 

We Have An Advocate

Who Vouches For Us

All Sin’s Aggregate

It’s Best Be Led

By The Spirit Of Love

Sin Has Repercussions

Night Follows The Shrug

We Should Care

And Avoid Sin

But Getting Angry

We Are Now Thin

Closer To Sin

It May Just Occur

God Gives A Way Out

Sounds So Absurd

He Is There

He Can Quell

Your Trouble First

Your Mouth As Well

Even Paul Got Mad

The Stolen Gospel 

Distorted And Reframed

Straight From Beyond Hell

Emasculate Yourself

Be Anathemize

For Those Who Twist

The Gospel Prize

But Did Paul Sin?

I Do Think Not

He Stood His Ground

Mad At The Lot

We Too At Times

Do Get Angry

Yet Necessary

To Fight Tyranny

The Group Think

Mass Formation Psychosis

The Evil Distortion

Found Over Land And Ocean

Faith Synchronicity

Never Distorted Anymore

Astounding Simplicity

Always Heard Forevermore

With You And Jesus

Bounded And Boundless

A Deposit Of Spirit

Ownership Costless

Safe In His Arms

Never Out Of His Hand

Sealed Today

The Gospel Is Grand

rKw Jr 08.01.21

Robert William Kelly

American Poet

b 1965 –

born again 1993

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