Running Away

Running Away

Aging A Clue

Yet Do We See

Are We Escaping

All Reality?

Afraid Of God

We Run And Run

Believing The Cliches

God Has A Gun

Is He Mad

Will He Destroy

All Who Disobey

Hell To Scourge

We Run Further

Our Minds And Hearts

Finding Gods

Amidst The Earth

Anyone But Him

We Have Been Sold

Yet Lost In Loving

Idols on The Road

What Is Grace

A Word Stolen

It Means For Us

God Is Sovereign

Forgiving With Mercy

Seeing Our State

Covering Our Sin

Blood His Fate

So Come Forward

See God Again

Believe For Once

The Savior And Friend

rKw Jr 03.03.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

Educate Yourself

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