Roe Evasion

Roe Evasion

The Easy Target

Keep Them Stupid

Exploit The Weakness

The Vulnerable Pupil

Taught To Believe

The Fetus Is Not

Alive A Life

A Blob Of Snot

The Reality Cold

The Mercy Hot

God Always Ready

To Forgive On Spot

Evil Reigns

The god of This Age

His Time Short

To Win Another Day

The Worst Capitalism

Known Ever To Man

Exploits Others

Who Have Small Hands

Weak They Are

Rushed To The Slaughter

All Parties Jolted

By The Hellacious Horror

Develop A Dogma

Cover The Speak

To Hate Capitalism

Attack Is To Sneak

Hide And Distort

Accuse And Defame

Define Your Enemy

Guilty Of Your Shame

Oh Preemptive Stab

Flatten The Response

Keep People Stupid

Protect The Cost

The Effects Are Clear

A Party Must Hate

Their Own Electorate

Red Dresses Vacillate

rKw Jr 24.06.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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