Satan’s Last Kiss

Satan’s Last Kiss

We Are Under The Sway of satan, He is playing Us. He appears as true yet is not true. This is what makes him deceptive. The whole world is under his sway, he is the god of this age. Beware of satan, he is already defeated, the blood of Jesus is against him. The rapture will rescue us from the day of evil coming soon. So take heart!
The Earthly Power Point

The Earthly Power Point

The emergent church has mixed up the mission of the church. Instead of sharing gospel the idea is to solve social justice problems and make life better - yet the world is dying and they are not hearing the gospel.
The Helm of Hope

The Helm of Hope

We Need to Scale  Forward And Backward Backward And Forward Present To Future Strip Down Our Affiliations Our Styles and Schools Our Trades And Bands Our Teams as Fools All Memberships Lost All Meaningless Chips No Eternal Life No Eternal Significance We Identify Quickly…