Education has gone off the cliff like a out of control bus - long since eschewing bible stories it resorts to disturbing imagery by disturbed writers. How fall we have falled
What is the greater purpose to live other than survival and having a good time? We need to be true to ourself and keep searching until we find the artist
We like to think we have a saving grace - but - do we ? Yes and No ! We have it but its not in us ...its Jesus and His Righteousness extended and forwarded to our account.
We deal with shame in many ways - mostly we forget about it - but it often comes back at us. God uses all things to draw us to Him, including shame - our screwups, our sin, our evil...
We are overwhelmed in life and find that its too hard to go on sometimes. Yet there is hope ! Life is in some ways a puzzle to solve. Once its solved your life is resolved.