We align our glory with what glorifies us in our frame of reference, that it usually the most dominant medium known to us. Television leads the way in that department, so we take on the values and norms and references determined overtime.
God has revealed to us his glory yet we are not able to see it because it is done by the Spirit, and the Father choses those who will know him. He uses the Word to reach the lost. We implore you to read the Word!
The best we love - we even worship at a drop of the hat the best of the best every day to the point that it is engrained deeply in our psyche. Yet we need to see that what we love doesn't love us and God is worthy for many reasons and this is one, he love us as we love him and vice versa - what a magnificent dynamic
We need to know who we are and who we can be ! Our identity may be obscured, our career plans may not be clear, yet we can know we are more than conquerors - an incredible bible verse - yet hardly ever if ever preached on!