We need a break yet there is always a distraction to stay tune for something. Truly we are programmed well. Take 5 minutes and think about God and your own creative gift of life from Him
God Is To Be The Focus of Our Life Including our Education. Otherwise we are not educated and have been fooled and are missing the most important thing about life . Why Hide From History !?!
People Need A Rescue - we are face with much adversity due to the fall of man - adam - we inherited his fallen nature so its really not our fault but we are on the hook. We as a result are in jeopardy ! Yet Good New is Jesus is Savior and Will rescue us from the coming evil end of this age plus he keeps us from going to hell - just believe what he did and believe in Him !
We Need To Examine What Most Churches Teach About Repentance. Rethinking it in This Poem unveils the true Gospel that we can now share and be amazed at its message