The People Rescue League

The People Rescue League

People Need A Rescue - we are face with much adversity due to the fall of man - adam - we inherited his fallen nature so its really not our fault but we are on the hook. We as a result are in jeopardy ! Yet Good New is Jesus is Savior and Will rescue us from the coming evil end of this age plus he keeps us from going to hell - just believe what he did and believe in Him !
The Gift of Troubleshooting

The Gift of Troubleshooting

We Are dealt a bad hand in life since the world is fallen and we are sinners yet we are made in his image although fallen..We need to be troubleshooters - assess and determine reality in all areas of our lives then proceed forgiving ourselves along the way and trusting and believing Jesus the troublshooter who was wrongly called a troublemaker.
Hypocritical Christians Hypnotized

Hypocritical Christians Hypnotized

We often don't see our need for something until we need it, then we drop everything to take care of it. This is sheepish yet typical. God is who we need but we are blinded to need. Furthermore we have been tricked into thinking he doesn't exist or he is a killjoy that will punish us so we stay far away. But he died for us to reconcile ourselves to HIM even in our sin !